This monster name was generated by @NateTreme's cool generator. Check out the other tweet-length monster descriptions, they're all great!

Grinning Star-Wyrm
Vestigial-winged, propels itself through vacuum through sheer plucky, can-do nature. Breathes a plume of capitalist work ethic and retail-smiles. Eats a mock meat made of ground, extruded asteroid, but sometimes cheats with the odd human.
Armour Class 0 [19]
Hit Dice 12** (54 hp)
Attacks [1 × bite (4d6), 1 tail slap (4d6)] or breath
THAC0 10 [+9]
Movement 90’ (30’) / 180’ (60’) flying
Saving Throws Death 6, Wands 7, Paralysis 8, Breath 8, Spells 10 (as 12 HD monster)
Morale 10 (4 during economic downturns)
Alignment Any
XP 2,700
Number Appearing 1 (1d4)
Treasure Type H
- Breath weapon: Cloud of stimulant gas (50’ long, 40’ wide, 20’ high). Save versus breath or be unable to rest for 2 days, or for 1 day if the grinning star-wyrm is at half-hp (27 hp) or less. This includes overnight rest necessary to heal and regain spells, and shorter rests during the day to avoid attack penalties, see Dungeon Adventuring: Resting. Characters affected are also immune to sleep for the duration, and their facial muscles tighten into an uncomfortable smile.
- Language and spells: 100%; 4 × 1st level, 4 × 2nd level, 4 × 3rd level.
- Open-Plan Office: All characters within the grinning star-wyrm's lair automatically succeed at Hear Noise rolls, but automatically fail Move Silently rolls. A silence 15' radius spell will negate this.
- Sleeping: 33%.
Typical Spells Prepared
- 1st: detect magic, purify food and water, ventriloquism1 × 2
- 2nd: invisibility, phantasmal force1 × 2, wizard lock
- 3rd: clairvoyance1 × 2, haste, protection from normal missiles
1 while in the grinning star wyrm's lair, this has a range of "anywhere else in the lair".
Sample Hoard
- 50,000 gp
- 40 necklaces. Each is a rounded rectangle made of silver, borne on a fine silver chain. Each is engraved with a tiny serial number but is otherwise blank. The first time the necklace is ever worn, parts of the rectangle magically darken to resemble a daguerrotype photo of the wearer's face. Each necklace is cursed, requiring the remove curse spell to remove.
- A mahogany box with a big button of solid ruby, and ivory dials which can be spun to show any four-digit number. Press the button and the silver necklace with that serial number will explode.
- A velvet-lined silver box, lid bears a repoussé apple tree. Holds a syringe made of platinum and rose quartz, and four glass ampoules: two potions of longevity, and two potions of cure disease (as the spell)
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