And the playtest rules are fine. But when I think of vedalken, I think of the goofy four-armed bois from their 2003 debut in the original Mirrodin set.
And yes, the Simic Hybrid race is also in the Unearthed Arcana document and it can get four arms, but "good at grappling" is not the feel I get from these dorks.
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clockwise from top-left: Synod Artificer (Mark Zug), Vedalken Mastermind (Darrel Riche), Vigean Graftmage (Alan Pollack), Lumengrid Augur (rk post) |
edit: here's a vedalken class for BX
"On Mirrodin, the mycosynth created a vapor which induced mutations in the vedalken, who developed four arms and gills. Soon, this variation became the norm. These vedalken are physically very different from the members of their race on other planes, and have more inhuman features, in some cases lacking a nose or visible ears."
Now how might a Mirran vedalken find their way to Ravnica, Kaladesh, or some other setting? Well canonically, Memnarch, the mad guardian of Mirrodin, first brought the vedalken (and all other living things) from other planes via "soul traps", turning Mirrodin into his own personal prison/zoo. He even ruled Mirrodin from his "Panopticon", because all good fantasy card game settings should namedrop Bentham & Foucault.
When these soul traps were later destroyed, the original abductees returned home in "The Vanishing", leaving their descendants. Now these abductions happened across centuries, so a Mirran vedalken PC doesn't necessarily have to be really old. Alternately, maybe a vedalken born on Mirrodin was sent "home" by mistake.
Or if you agree with me regarding the Simic Hybrid, you could use these stats to represent those Ravnican vedalken who have mutated in ways similar to their Mirran counterparts, such as Mr. Vigean Graftmage pictured above.
Racial Traits
(The following Age, Size, and Tireless Precision traits are taken verbatim from the latest Unearthed Arcana, and are reproduced here to avoid crossreferencing)Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1, and your Intelligence score increases by 2.
Age. Vedalken mature at the same rate humans do, and most are expected to settle down into an adult life around age 40. Their lifespans are typically 350 to 500 years long.
Alignment. Vedalken society on Mirrodin practised slavery and unethical medical experimentation. Generally they are Lawful and rarely Good.
Size. Vedalken are taller than humans but slenderer. They are 6 to 6½ feet tall on average and usually weigh less than 200 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Armor Proficiency. You are proficient with light armor. Needing cumbersome apparatus to breathe on land has its benefits.
Four-armed. You have four slender arms that can hold and manipulate objects, or be used to cast spells. Only two may be used to wield weapons or shields at any time.
Gills. You breathe water, and cannot breathe air.
Goofy Helmet. You begin play with a glass helmet that allows you to breathe as though in water. While wearing the helmet, you are immune to inhaled poisons, but have disadvantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks.
Civilised areas with a significant vedalken population sell replacement helmets for 100 gp. Helmets may be more expensive or unavailable elsewhere. Crafting a helmet requires proficiency with glassblower's tools, 50 gp in supplies, and access to a furnace.
Hold Breath. When outside water and without a helmet, you can hold your breath for up to 1 hour at a time.
Tireless Precision. You are proficient in one of the following skills of your choice: Arcana, History, Investigation, Medicine, Performance, or Sleight of Hand. You are also proficient with one tool of your choice. Whenever you make an ability check with the chosen skill or tool, roll a d4, and add the number rolled to the check’s total.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common.
Blinkmoth Serum
"A being that drinks blinkmoth serum finds his self-awareness, understanding, mental capacity, and intelligence instantly augmented, making the serum, and thus blinkmoths, a highly sought after commodity. It is extremely addictive, and long-term use leads to physiological changes."
At the GM's discretion, a Mirran vedalken character has a 2-in-6 chance of beginning play with a single vial of blinkmoth serum.
Consuming the serum grants hypercognition for 1 hour. The character has advantage on Intelligence checks. Additionally, any number of times throughout the duration, they may concentrate for 10 minutes to gain the effect of an augury spell. However, the omen received must be based on information the character is capable of perceiving.
For example, the character may intuit that walking down a corridor will result in "Woe", if doing so would trigger a swinging blade trap. They may do this even if the player neglected to announce they were searching for traps, or the character failed an associated ability check to find them. However, if waking down the corridor would be bad because a demon prince is just about to to plane-shift into the room at the end, the character would not sense "Woe".
At the end of the duration, the character must make a DC 20 Wisdom check. Failure means the character has become addicted to blinkmoth serum. If they're not on Mirrodin, this might manifest as a drive to continually experiment in hopes of synthesising a substitute.
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